facilitated by the Workplace Mental Health Institute
This training is being offered in response to sector feedback identifying Trauma Informed Practice as a key training priority for our local service system to support increased wellbeing outcomes for families and children. Aligned to feedback, a 1-day Trauma Informed Practice Training Course will deliver practical and interactive learning to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence of employees in front facing roles.
Training is suited to first time practitioners and employees required to assess and evaluate the needs of clients at first contact point, including reception roles, intakes and client support roles.
Key learning outcomes:
Understand trauma, trauma informed practice and how it relates to the role of frontline staff
Recognise signs of trauma, manage triggers and use appropriate communication skills
Strategies to work with people who may have experienced trauma or distress
Tools to appropriately respond to disclose of trauma and support recovery, dignity and choice
Avoid vicarious trauma, tools to care for personal wellbeing when supporting others
The training opportunity is funded by Gladstone Region engaging in action Together to build on existing collective sector capacity and increase shared language and practice. A co-commitment fee of $70 per participant is invited.
Trauma Informed Practice Training
9am - 4pm
Friday 11 November 2022
Co-Commitment fee $70 per participant
A light lunch and refreshments will be provided
Please register your interest through the button below.
One registration per participant.
Please contact us by email if you have any questions: admin@gladstoneregiontogether.org.au