Theory of Change
Achieving Change
Opportunity, equity, and quality of life for everyone in our community
Achieving Change
Contributing Outcomes
Our families have access to life's basics, feel independent, and have purpose
Our children feel safe, happy, and loved, growing up at home with their families
Our children are starting school ready to learn and on track to thrive
Enabling Change
Change Elements
Our families have access to:
We are connected to:
Our parents have:
parenting confidence
healthy lifestyles
access to supports
Our children have:
a healthy start to life
a quality early educational support
Foundations For Change
Conditions Required
Open, transparent information sharing and evaluation of outcomes for individuals
Community voice is listened to for lived experience and stories behind the statistics
Adaptability to respond to changing socio-economic environments
Community trust and participation, acting together now for a better future
Courage to challenge the status quo, and creativity to dream big and to change entrenched norms
Evaluation and Measures
More families ‘doing well’, more babies born healthy, more children at home and safe with their families, in secure housing and with at least one parent in employment, increase in children attending high quality education care and ready to start school.
Foundation Assumptions
Giving our children the best start in life includes growing up feeling loved and safe and this requires the health and wellbeing of our parents and families.